Lay-Off Diary

“Nishant – due to reorg changes, your role is eliminated. We will have to lay you off”

These words keep ringing in my head every minute..

I know lots of companies are laying off and even my company was in the process. Three rounds had already been done and this was the fourth round.

But I always thought layoff are not for Indians who do majority of the technical work and are seen as low cost employees as compared to European or American employees.

So when my manager told me about my layoff, my first reaction was disbelief. Why me! Am I not good enough? Did I do something wrong to get this? What impression will it give to others? What will I tell my family? How will household expenses be managed? How will it impact future goals?

Gradually, as time passed, I realized that I am not alone in this journey. There are hundreds and thousands of professionals silently loosing their jobs every month.

So to help everyone in similar situation, I am starting a series which will cover Lay-off topic – how it impacts one emotionally, financially and socially. And what I have been doing to negate the impact and what lessons we can take out from this.

Hope it helps you stay motivated and find something better for yourself.

Stay tuned…


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